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  • Where does the money go when I donate?
    Elections are expensive. A local county commissioner campaign's radio budget alone is about $7500. One quarter-page ad in The Mountain Mail is $250. Mailings are expensive ands are yard signs. PLEASE consider a $100 donation. You'll probably spend that on dinner out this year. Dave has done SO much for our community, please consider supporting his campaign. —Thanks You.
  • What experience do you bring to the job of county commissioner?
    My engineering degree, MBA in finance, and decades long career in project management will benefit the residents of Chaffee County to ensure oversight of tight budgets and expected outcomes. Locally, I played a pivotal role in raising the money and political support to secure Colorado Mountain College in Chaffee County. Before that, I lead the campaign for new Salida High School built in 2012. Both campaigns required careful listening, strategic thinking, building bridges, and dedication to the common good.
  • What is your relationship with B1 recycling?
    Chaffee County citizens have expressed opinions about environmental issues, specifically the return of a County recycling program. The current Chaffee County Commissioners have addressed this as a priority and are currently looking for solutions. Before deciding to run for Commissioner in early 2024 I helped my son, John Armstrong, develop a recycling business model for rural communities. As a Chaffee County Commissioner, I will always be transparent if there is a conflict of interest and I will, as needed, recuse myself from a vote on this issue.
  • Why are you running for county commissioner?
    It's an extension of the work I have been doing for the last 15 years to help create a better quality of life for people in Chaffee County. Also, with all the growth, we need to get some thing done at a faster pace.
  • What's your focus, Dave?
    Workforce Development Programs aligned with business and economic objectives. Supporting education as a foundation for a sustainable community. Respect for individual rights​.
  • As a lifelong unaffiliated voter, why are you running as a Democrat?
    Over decades of civic engagement, I’ve been registered as an independent. I’ve voted for many Republicans, Independents, and Democrats,—Locally and nationally. I consider myself a non-partisan collaborator, and I’ve always championed leaders who put community good above party or ideology. I’m happy to partner and represent all ideas that focus on good outcomes for the community. In this campaign, I had to make a difficult choice of who I am currently most aligned with, and who could provide support for my campaign.
  • What are the issues you think are most important to Chaffee citizens?
    What I hear and see is the need for attainable housing for families and seniors, educational opportunities for all, workforce development, resilient sustainable environmental practices for land and water, and support of small business including an improved broadband. I am not only aware of these issues, I face these challenges along with my multi-generational family who run businesses and are raising children of their own.
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